Our Motto
Our Mission
Our mission is to: Preserve, protect, and promote the existence of Go-Go Music and it's related culture.
Serve as an advocate and official representative of Go-Go Music, musicians and affiliate businesses and individual.
Educate and/or train in Go-Go Music, related, business and the Go-Go culture.
Promote and produce concerts, events and all forms of theatrics and musical performances.
Is Go-Go Dead?
Not if we have a voice and an outlet to reach out to our community. We want you involved. If you would like to be a part of our organization, please feel free to fill out the information below, and someone from our office will be in touch with you.
Points of Interest/Concerns
1. Rebranding our music
Let's work on removing the negative image portrayed when we look back at Go-Go in the early 90's.
2. The legal/business aspects of the music
industry and how it is comprised and operated.
3. More unified behavior among bands.
4. Music business seminars/conferences.
5. Opportunities for up and coming bands.
6. More community involvement.
7. Attracting Major Record Labels/Distributors.
8. Historical perspective and background as it pertains to Go-Go music.
You Can't Mute Us
Don't Mute DC
Who should Join Us?
-Sound Companies
-Venue Owners
-Print Companies
-Apparel Companies
How to Join?
This website is your one stop shop. Click above to become a member. Memberships are Free.